It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any copyright clearances. Permission to publish material from this/these transcript(s) must be obtained from the Supervisor of Reference Services and/or the L. Tom Perry Special Collection Coordinating Committee. Alvin Fielding and Amelia Smith Letters, Jun 1906 MSS 7952 [notes by transcriber are in brackets; preprinted text is in bold] [ltr 1, p. 1] #97 Farleigh Road Stoke Newington London N. England June 1st 1906 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth I have just answered a letter to Bro McMarrin, and so I thought I would keep on writing and answer yours and Ruth’s letter’s of May 17th - which were written just thirteen Months from the time I left home, I was just showing Sister Chipman Ruth’s letter and she asked Me to remember her to You, it is raining like the mischief just now, and has been rather stormy for two or three days. I emagin it is something like You are having, or like You refer to when You mentioned that Ruth had to stay in doors becaus of the stormy weather, but old England is noted for this kind of weather and one never knows an hour ahead what kind of weather we will have. So we have to be prepared all the time I have not heard from home lately but I hope the folks will be able to ch[-]ck the whooping cough, and I do hope little Richard wont get it, say Dearie it is quiet amusing the way You tell about Ruth and her letter writing, just think, of the blessed little doll wanting to write to Papa, She must have used up nearly all Your ink judging from the letter [ltr. 1, p. 2] 2- of hers, You sent Me and You say she used up three sheets, I would like to hear her say some of the cute things You mention I can just emagin how it sounds - every body that sees her pictures say what a bright looking baby, I gave Sister Crofts one of the proofs after I had them mounted I also gave Sister Tant one but I kept the ones You You sent me on the Mounts, several people have asked for one but I tell them I cant Spare any of them, so every body thinks she is such a old fashioned baby - I think they are less baby fied when they have no children to play with, and I would rather seek them a little old fashioned, just think of her want- ing to go to town, who would have thought of such a thing coming from a little doll like her - she knows what a purse is evidently Yes Dearie I have had quiet a time with Sister Everards affairs, but I have quit worrying so much about it - I wish it was settled however, Yes Dearie another Elder died over in Holland and the funny thing about it was this after they had buried Elder Welker several of the boys were discussing it and Le Grand Richards said well boys we dont know who’s turn it will be next becaus several of them had been exposed. Elder Gold, who was Welkers companion - spoke up and said well we will telegraph down in a week and have You come and bury one of us and just a week from that time they got the telegram telling if Golds death - the boys were not at all careful and they exposed lots of the people, several of the Saints have the disease - and the city officials are dead against the Mormons, becaus of the way they have done, President Grant was [ltr. 1, p. 3] 3 awfully put out at Alex for allowing Elder Wood to leave holland on his way home it is a wonder we all didnt get the disease I am mighty thankful I was spared. I received a Post Card from Willard the other day He said give My love to Millie and Ruth, he keeps track of the time away form home and he and George dont expect to be gone more than two years, Yes the Tant family have gone home I sent some photos to You by them so I guess they will probably call and see You I told them to telephone to You befor going up and then they would make sure of You being home, I presume You have seen Brother Bruce and received the showls I hope You like them, So You saw Freebairn and wife on their way from the temple did you congratulate them, I guess he was all smiles, I pitty her unless she likes to be loved becaus old Freebairn is a corker - he used to almost squeeze Me to death when he slept with Me but I dont blame him if he tries the same rocket on her, of course I never used to love You? it is fine business and I will be glad when I have a chance again - I would just give anything to love You and Ruth a little while, to see how it would go, I have almost forgotten how it is done, but You can teach Me in about another Year, well Dearie I May go down to Bedford next week with Elder Beesley - he is going down to bed his friends farewell, and he wants Me to go with him and I am thinking seriously of doing so, a change is a rest they say and I believe it will do Me good - they had a fine time on the Continent, I Mean Beesley [ltr. 1, p. 4] 4 Cummings and Webb, especially in Paris their trip from London and return cost them thirty dollars, this covers all expenses and France - were gone two weeks and saw nearly everything of interest, they said they wished I had been with them and I would like to have been along Wilford sails for home on the 22nd of next Month, he will probably call and see You his girl is getting anxious now most of the Elders that came with him have gone home - Elder Wright left last Month and Maby he will call and see You he is an old friend of mine, of course these fellows cant be depended upon after they leave the country - but maby he will run up and see You, if he does not I dont suppose You will be disapointed after the way most of them have fulfilled their promisses I hope Young Bro Bruce calls on You he is a good boy and thinks considerable of Me - so do all You can for him if he does call. Well Mamma I think I have told You about all I can think of except that I love You with the same old love which grows stronger every day kiss our precious baby for Papa and tell Ruth Papa enjoyed her sweet letter and Mamma for Me and give My love to Your Papa say hello to all the folks and enquiring friends May the Lord bless You and Ruth and Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks is My wish and Prayer with lots of love hugs and kisses for You both I am as ever Your effectionate husband and Papa Alvin [ltr. 2, p. 1] 11 Western Street Bedford Beds June 4th 1906 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth Here I am in Bedford where Elder Beesley used to labor we are at the home of Mr and Mrs Litts the boys live here and they have a fine home Mr and Mrs Litts are fine people although they are not in the Church - Yet they know the gospel is true and the Elders live in hopes of some day seeing them join, Elders B A Seare and A.W.T Alipheus are laboring here and Elder Beesley and My self are expecting to spend three or four days here Say Mamma Elder Sear would like You to call on his wife he says You might be able to console one another, she lives at 417 - 4th Street - Between E. and F. - she was a Brain girl befor she was married maby You used to Know her, well Dearie we got here Yesterday afternoon the Elders were out visiting, we had tea with the folks and as the time wore away. Bro Litts Beesley and My self went up to the market hill - where the boys hold street meeting - we waited a few minutes - and here came [ltr. 2, p. 2 blank] [ltr. 2, p. 3] 2- the boys we got out on the old stand where Elder Beesley has had such liveley times in the past - and we sang the Hymn - High on the Mountain top - then Guide us o thou great Jehovah by this time we had three or four hundred people around us, I was called upon first to speak and being a stranger to the crowd they listened to what I had to say - with out much disturbance, and I expected to cause some sensation when I bore My testimony at the close of My remarks becaus - the people in this town cant tolerate the name of Jos Smith - so I thought - I would tell them who I was, and I did so, well they were paralyzed - they stud looking Me over from head to foot and never said a word - then Elder Beesley got out and went for them and they know him of old - and some of the people begin to yell - goodness they were surprised to see him they had made the boast that they had got rid of him - last summer it used to take some time, twelve police man to protect the boys, and judging from the time last night I guess it would [ltr. 2, p. 4 blank] [ltr. 2, p. 5] 3- take that many but the people have to be pretty decent while the officers are arround and the chief of police usually sends one or two officers to keep order - most of the people hate the mormons and would almost do anything if they dared they, that is some of them offered two pounds last summer to any body who would throw the Elders in the river and more than once the police had to escort the boys home to protect them from the howling mobs, it is impossible to tell You how one feels before going out among such people and of all times when one feels that they need the help of the Lord it is when he goes among such people to explain the Gospel - it almost scares Me to death not that I fear the people any but it is My weakness to do Justice to the cause I profess, but after we get started nothing on earth could scare us becaus we feel and know that it is the Lords work we are about and where we are gathered together in his name there [ltr. 2, p. 6 blank] [ltr. 2, p. 7] 4 he will be in our midst to bless us and this was the case - well Mamma it is now Seven A.M. and we are going on a pic - nic out to Old Warden about nine miles from here we take the train most of the way breakfast is now ready so I will answer or finish this after we get home - Here we are back again - and what a fine time we have had walking through forests and beautiful farms picincking and gathering flowers Dearie I have been through the most beautiful country to day that I ever saw and how I did wish You were with Me, miles and miles of narrow lane shaded by beautiful large trees, I never saw any thing like it queit diferent to buisy old smoky London, and it is impossible to discribe it, sorry I did not have a Kodak that I could take some pictures to send You, and if ever I come down here again I will try and have one - one cant emagin what beauty there is in the world until he gets out away from the buisy Cities and such sights as I have had to day give Me a diferent Impression of England, the folks here want Me to come down in September and go Blackberrying with them [ltr. 2, p. 8 blank] [ltr. 2, p. 9] 5 there are miles and miles of Hedges made up mostly of Holly and blackberry bushes, and if it is impossible for Me to come I am going to do so. how I would like to stroll through some of those forests with My sweetheart- we saw couple after couple, courting in diferent parts of these forests and while we were going along - it made Me wish I could have a chance to show You - tho- ugh - and now and again set down - to rest and chat - among the large trees many young Man and sweet heart -could be seen cuddling one another and they would pass by us with arms around each other - as uncon- cerned as if nothing was in sight Well Mamma if You came over we will surely try and see something like this I mean the beautiful country - not the lovers, of course this is thrown in - and does’nt cost any more, Well Mamma - I have no letter to answer - I may have had if I had remained in London but it will be sent to Me and I will get it tomorrow, so if I get one I will answer it next time I am well and having a good time give My Love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks - I love You and Ruth with all My heart and would have given the world to have had You with Me today - there was in the crowd - Elders Busley Seare, Stephens Bro & Sister Litts, Miss Litts Young Mr Litts and sweet heart Mrs King and My Haughten - and we had a good bunch Kiss My doll baby for Me and let Ruth kiss her Mama for Me May the Lord bless You both and all, I hope Your Papa is better - love hugs and kisses for You both from Your effectionate Husband and Papa - Alvin XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [ltr. 3, p. 1] #97 Farleigh Road Stoke Newington London N June 8th 1906 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth Here I am back in London I sent You a post card from Studham Elder Beesley and My Self left Bedford Yesterday morning at 830 and went to Luton, a distance of 20 miles we spend the day visiting the saints and finished up the evening with the Sisters Perkins two old maids who live together and make straw hats for a living they are good old souls the oldest is only sixty years - while the other is about fifty, they were gad to see us, they are not very “wealthy” but they gave us the best they had and it was better than what I have been used to, we left London this morning we took a train six miles to Dunstable there we walked out into the country and when I wrote You that card we had travelled about 7 miles on foot to a little village of about seven -teen homes, where we visited an old Sister by the name of Anstin we had a wash and brush up - ate a piece of cake, and drank some soda [ltr. 3, p. 2] water - sang a hymn and had the sacrament with her then we went on about half mile further - and called on Sister Thody - another sister, took dinner with her and started back for Linton another five miles - which we covered in about one hour and twenty Minutes - half the way being up- hill - and over the highes point Bedfordshire we have to hurry to catch the train - and we figure on one hour and a half to do it and we had about 15 minutes to wait when we got in the station the sun was very hot - it has been all day - and in fact for the past week - it seemed warmer to day than ever and Yesterday it registered 113 degrees in the sun so You can emagin what it was like but I enjoyed it and I look - quiet known - and feel fine - I have spent the best week - I have had for a long time, we got back to London went and got our satchels and started for London at 520 we got here at the house at about 715 - =last wednesday we spent the day at Ampthilly {picnicing - we walked through forests Millbrook Tlitton [ltr. 3, p. 3] 3 over fellas and through small villages - covering about 15 miles we had just as fine a time as we did on Monday we had the same crowd, and plenty to eat and we finished it all before we got home were gone all day getting home about nine oclock in the evening - it stays light until nine, these evenings - we just simply had a fun tme - and I hated to come back the folks at Bedford want Me to come back in September and go blackberrying with them and I think I shall -Well Mamma when I got here at 97 I found a letter from You the first one I guess without the London post mark, so I dont know when it got here but I believe it came Monday and the boss forgot to send it to Me I also received or had a letter from chase and one from the Executors of the Everard Estate they want Me to act in behalf of them but they fear it will not be settled by the time I am ready to come home So I think I will let some one else have the job - they also tell [ltr. 3, p. 4] Me that the relatives are going to contest the will this will make more delay and, it wont do them any good - becaus Sister Everard mentioned them and left them all something but she told Me her self that they had - been well provided for while she was alive and she had only left them enough so that it would be impossible for them to break the will she knew what she was doing she did not have much use for her relatives becaus they never had very much use for her untill she made her fortune but I think I will turn the job over to some one else I will go and see the Lawyer in the morning and see what he says and act accordingly -it is a miserable job and I wish I had never had anything to do with it, but I have and now the thing for Me to do is to get out of it - I will let You know what the attorney says [ltr. 3, p. 5] 5 -Papa sent Me and little morocco addition of the Pearl of Great Price it is a fine little book - maby You have seen them - I will have to write to him in the Morning, and again after I have seen the lawyer I will now look over Your letter and answer it, I am so glad Your Papa is getting better, I will be very much pleased to hear from him when he is able to write but tell him to be very careful what he does with that hand untill he is sure it is perfectly well he must be very careful - of himself Say Mamma I saw such a pretty lady on the train coming home this afternoon and she had a fine baby - She just reminded Me of You and I would just like to had hold of her kid a few minutes - her husband was also with her they were Yankees and and it was all I could do to Keep from introducing Myself I do like sweet, pretty babys - and each time I see one I long to get hold of it, especially when they are nice and clean like this one was, You ask if the girls Sister E. lived with are any relation To her no they were only friends - She [ltr. 3, p. 6] had them living with her for company - You speak of Me sending You a picture I hope You will not be disapointed - I should have said a group picture - with My self among others, some day I will have another of My self taken especially to send You one - so You can see what Your old Man looks like, but I guess You will be able to tell this from the ones I have sent - and You have been are dreaming of Me again I am glad it - left a better impression than the others You have had, You must have had some miserable bad dreams in the past, and to think that each time You would emagin Me being cruel to You well Mamma those dreams I hope You will be able to forget and that You may from now on replace them with the kind You had last I have not dreampt of You for about [ltr. 3, p. 7] 7 a Month but I now had You out of My mind since I came to this land My Mamma and baby are the first and last things in My mind - in fact I am continually thinking of You and how I have wished You could have been with Me this week while I have been enjoying My self - I have never before seen a more beautiful lot of country than I have traveled through this week - and the - pretty flowers and singing birds - makes one think of the Almighty hand that created them and to give thanks to him for all of these things I will send You a few flowers that I gathered by the road side to day - they are for You and Ruth - with Papas love God Bless You both - I do love You with all My soul how I long to see You each day - and soon I May becaus the time is goind now, so rapidly, I can hardly keep track of the days. Yes I would like to see our doll baby and - hear her say some of her cute sayings - and she thinks she aught to be the only one to [ltr. 3, p. 8] tend Alices baby. bless her she is a regular little Mother - she will be able to help her Mother when she has another, - just think of her telling You she wants to see the biddies down the l[-]t I think that is doing fine - and You think she will be a long - tall thin girl and take after Me - I hope she is tall - but what is the matter of her appetite - I do wish she would eat more and what about You say Dearie what is the Matter if You only 231/2 lles - that is awful have You been sick - now Dearie I want You to tell Me I know something must be wrong - with You - I do hope You will tell Me all about Your self - and I do hope You will be able to stand this hot summer I guess by the time You receive this Your house cleaning will be over I wish I was where I could help You - I am not very fond of house cleaning but would not mind trying it for a change - Your flower garden looks nice I would like to see it I have seen some lovely flowers - the past week - I am glad the kids have a light case of whooping cough and I hope they will soon be well and I hope they have a light case of scarlet fever that [ltr. 3, p. 9] 9- is an awful thing - what on earth is the matter - it never rains but what it storms, that was an awful sad thing about Mrs Woolley - I saw the account of her death in the Des News but nothing was said as to how it was caused I am glad You had a nice buggy ride thank Joe for Me for all his kindnesses to You -does Ruth ever talk over the telephone You speak of her saying - "Telephone" each time it rings - do You still have the register line - and is it #1227X that is the noumber I have given to different people to call You by in order to find out if You are home before calling I guess the Tant family will called to see You before now - also Bro Bruce and Wilford Beesley expects to be home about the 10th of July, then he can tell You what a fine time we have had -this time next summer and My turn will come - President Grant is here he has just returned from Switzerland - he left Sister Grant over in Germany - where she expects to remain for two or three Months Sister Chipman is still here and expects to go to Paris Monday - and [ltr 3, p. 10] Maby President Jones will go with her Well Mamma I am well and happy and enjoying My Self - give My love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks and - kiss our doll baby for Me tell her that Papa loves his baby and her Mamma - tell her to Kiss Mamma for Me - May the Lord bless You both and all is the wish and prayer of Your loving and effectionate husband and Papa lots and lots of love hugs and Kisses for You both from Papa P.S. what about the enclosed clipping is this the little fellow Alvin F Smith that used to call on You XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX [ltr. 4, p. 1] #97 Farleigh Road Stoke Newington London N June 13th 1906 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth I recived a letter from You Monday Morning and another Monday evening Your noumber 82- &83- I was indeed pleased to get them both and I will attempt to answer them both in turn, this morning - So You are keeping our doll babys hair cut so that it can grow out even - is’nt her hair fine it is just like silk - I am glad You liked the lace, Yes I guess there is lots of it being used, I saw by the London papers that the American girls were wearing what they call peek-a-boo waists - and in Commenting on them they wondered if the English girls would adopt the same fashion - they told about how it was nearly a lace net work – that showed nearly all the girl had from her waist up, it was quite a write up I intended to cut it out of the but I came away from Beaford with out doing so - the Ministers are the ones wo object to it most, well I like to see a pretty neck but, but there is a time and place for showing [ltr. 4, p. 2] amd I would not care to have My wife parading her self for the benefit of the public with such a dress - I think it is vulger and I have no respect for girls who dress like that, they are not very modest when they will go all this way - I thought the paper hurt them selves in mentioning American girls becaus if they can beat these over here they are certainly bad. - some of these show almost all they have through a thin net work of lace - which is about as thin as a fish net, some of the openings in the lace is almost large enough to crawl through Yes Dearie I thought I had told You before about Sister E affairs, but I must have forgotten I know I had to tell it so many times I emagined every body had been told about it and I thought You were the first I told I dont know now whether I have told - but take it that I did finally give You an account of it, I will be glad when the trouble is settled - yes Chase sent Me his babys picture and I felt just as You that it was ugly fat - but he is tickled to death over his baby - I am glad Allies Baby Is better and Mrs Ashton is nursing him - that shows what good titty dinner will do for a baby - well You have the best milk I ever tasted - the chances [ltr. 4, p. 3] 3 are her baby will get along allright if Mrs ashton can continue to feed him I am sorry Heu had such bad luck with the lots last Year, I will tell Hyrum he can use the lot next to the home if he wants it or You can tell him and at the same time explain to him the look Heu had Yes I hope he is More successful in getting his rent Money than I was, I hope the same fellow has'nt got it - becaus the fellow that had it just is a dirty stinker So Heu has gone into the the Rose raising business, Say Mamma I am going to send You some flowers to trim Your self a couple of hats there May be More than You want but I would like You to fix them up for Your self - and if You dont want them all - and would like something diferent You can no doubt sell them, I am going to send You to day a catalogue and if You will pick out a hat shape I can get it for You at the price, marked in the catalogue I can get Chiffon Ribbon & Etc Much cheaper, than You and of You will send Me some samples of what You would like and how Much to get I will send it to You I am sending the flowers [ltr. 4, p. 4] by Elder Beesley - they consist of Roses - clover blossoms; & Etc there is three bunches of Roses that are only cheap ones - they were very pretty so I thought I would send them the three bunches only cost about 40¢ but all the rest are french flowers and cost from two to three shillings a bunch I think You could Make Your self one or two good hats for less than one would cost by getting the shape or letting Me get it - So You look over the catalogues and tell Me just how Much ribbon - chiffon & Etc You will need and I have checked some of the shapes that look pretty trimmed but You can sent Your self - send Me some samples of the stuff You would like You can soon tell after You see the flowers and I expect You will have them by the 10th of Next Month - and if You can sell that white feather I will get You a may one - I dont know what that would bring at home - but I guess You could get at least three dollars for it - so let Me know what You think of the London fashions when You get the catalogues - and You have had a good long rain storm it looks very much like rain here to day it is quite cold and yesterday it was awful hot I am [ltr. 4, p. 5] 5 still wearing My heavy underwear and expect I will all Summer what does South Temple look like Now - if the city has to pay a few More losses from being sued they will be more careful about damaging peoples property - I am glad Your Papa is still Improving and I hope he will soon be better - I hated to hear that his hand would have to be cut open again - You must keep after him even if You are obliged to go with to the Doctors each time - You know Blood Poisoning is a awful thing tell Ruthie Papa got her letter bless her I do like to get them if they are just a little scribble - it Must have been cute to see her try to Telephone using the drawer knobs - and to think of her being able to help You wash -that was pretty cute. it was a joke -but I guess You did’nt think so I bought a little doll for 10¢ the other day it isnt much good but it was cute and very cheap so I got one for her, I remembered You to Sid Savelle and he wishes to be remembered to You - also remember Me to Steve Reed next time You see him he asks [ltr. 4, p. 6] how I am - I see that Sid’s Father is interested in the New Knitting Works - Spencer came over to England to buy Machinery - but he did not come down to London - Nottingham I think was as far as he got, well I dont want any stock in the company and as for Spencer I dont think he will make a success as a Manager – but they May. I wish them success - Now for Your other letter of May 31st dont worry Mamma - I guess I can’t have been feeling well when I wrote to You from the sound of Your letter - but I am feeling fine now I am still taking cold water Baths every morning - and I feel better, in fact I am feeling as good now as I have any time since I came over - My vacation did Me good - So the cow has has her calf and she is meaner than ever - well Dearie I think You had better sell her - I wish I was where I could look after her for You if You cant sell her get some of the folks to take her. I will be home in about a Year and if You cant get what she is worth let some one have her until I get back - I would rather You did not [ltr. 4, p. 7] 7 have to bother with her anyway - it is to much for You - so if You can sell her do so and Maby by the time I get home - the other one will come in - they are awful good cows and I cant emagin what makes her so mean - she aught to be dehorned maby that would take the meanness out of her -do something with her becaus I dont want You doing that kind of work You have had enough of it - You have done it about all Your life - and You can better afford to buy Milk until I get home - Yes Dearie I guess I will get out of London as soon as I get through with Sister E- affairs - No Dearie - I am no preacher I dont know how it happened that I spoke so long - Enfield only we had a good spirit in our midst I am So glad the Kids are nearly over the whooping cough - You did exactly right about - spraying the first trees if Farrs want them sprayed let them do it, or have it done, so the Cusworths come to see You and found You house cleaning. Say Mamma what kind of a fellow is Mr Cusworth - I have [ltr. 4, p. 8] Never seen him, and what does he do -But Cusworth wrote to Elder Cummings and told him she had seen You and Mamma and that she found You all well but Ruth and that Ruth had a bad cold, - You did not tell Me anything about it - and I guess it was than she reported - You must not try to Keep these things from Me - it is the same with Mamma she wont tell Me anything - for fear I will worry but I find it out generally - and then it is only natural that I do worry - when such news comes from outside of the family I would much rather You would tell Me about these things Your self - I would much rather hear it from You than out- siders - I some times emagin that My own folks wont tell Me how they are simply for this reason - Now I want You to tell Me Your self if anything is wrong - Mamma dont write very often, and she always says You are all well - but if anybody out of the family is sick You are all willing to tell Me - I wont worry half so much if the News comes from You -remember Me to the Cusworths when You see them again, tell them England is the same [ltr. 4, p. 9] 9 old place - no change - ask them if they dont wish they were back - well England is a pretty place if You get out of the cities but in order to have a good mpression of the country one Must see the country, I got a card from Elder Price he has been up in Scotland, George Sims has gone home and I guess he is there, by this time - and no doubt his people are happy. Yes, Mamma I too would like to heal our little chatter box - and I would like to love You both just as You say She loves You - She May get this from Me, and if she does I am glad of it - I dont blame her for loving her Mamma and what a comfort it must be to You - I emagin it would be - So You got the pictures no they are not very clear but they look just like Me - I guess the sun was shining in the largest one and made Me squint - that rain storm You had must have soaked things up pretty well I see by the papers that all the streams are large this spring and there is liable to be some floods and I see that the American [ltr. 4, p. 10] as they call them selves are making a record and that these who cried - at Election time - "Thank God for the American party" have changed their time well Mamma it is almost time for the Mail Man to come to call at the Mail and this must go out to day so I will close - I love My Mamma and Baby with all My heart and soul - kiss Ruth for Papa and tell Ruth to kiss and hug Mamma for Papa - give My love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks - May the Lord bless You all is My wish and prayer - with lots of love hugs and Kisses for You both I am as ever effectionately Your loving husband and Papa P.S. I have not got time to read this over Alvin F. Smith so will let it go mistakes and all hope You can make it out XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [ltr. 5, p. 1] #97 Farleigh Road Stoke Newington London My Own Dear Millie and Ruth June 16th06 I have just one hour to write this letter and get it in the Past office in order that it can go out on the boat leaving here to day and as I have never Yet missed writing You twice a week I dont want to disapoint You this time so You must excuse scribbling becuas it usually takes about five pages and I manage to fill this many this morning I fear it will be hard to read but I guess My writing is hard to read anyway. - So it wont Make much diference I have written several letters this week trying to catch up with My correspondance -I have written - to Alex Nibley Papa Hyrum Mamma, Frank Otterstom George, Chase, Jamie Sullivan and several letters and cards to the Saints - Jones is in Liverpool so I have been looking after his work and last night I was out to Enfield again - so I have been very bus;y all this week [ltr. 5, p. 2] I received two letters from You last Monday, both of which I answered on Wednesday Morning - we had American Mail Thursday and again yesterday but none came for Me so I have no letters of Yours to answer this time I usually get two a week from You and when they come the same day I can answer them at one writing unless I go the limit in answering one of them as I often do I seldom send a letter out light weight - and I dont know how many come to You over weight, that are obliged to pay extra postage on You have not mentioned any of this kind so I guess they come through all right - Well Mamma we are having Salt Lake weather it has been raining [ltr. 5, p. 3] 3 three days and this morning it came down in floods - and it has been so cold that we have had a fire - what do You think of that - we have a few days of summer and then a spill of winter I am still wearing My heavy m[---]s in addition to My garments and presume I will wear them all summer - I am naturally cold blooded as You no doubt know - but You see I am so thin it does not take long to get chilled through for the life of Me I can’t get well - I am feeling better now than I have for some time George wants Me to come over to Sweden - there is going to be a conference over there and it will American day at the fair on June 30th the fun is to be had in Stockholm - and he wants Me to be there for this event dont be surprised if You hear of Me going there is one place I would rather celebrate [ltr. 5, p. 4] My Wedding day and that is with My own Dear Mamma and Ruth three years Dearie since we were Married - and it is liable to be fair before I get home but I expect to celebrate the next one with You and then we will have a good time and make up for the two we have Missed - all these things bring back fond Memories and I long to again be with You both I expect to see both Willard and George if I do go to Sweden it will cost Me about thirty dollars I think - and I have almost made up My mind to go I would like very much to see the boys - and George would show Me all there was to be seen - it wont cost Me anything for beds I will bunk with [ltr. 5, p. 5] 5 George if I go - Prest Jones is going and he wants Me to go with him quite a noumber of the English Elders will be going -I guess You will think I am a regular old gad about - and I guess I am I told Alex Nibley You and I would give him a visit about this home next Year - Alex told Me his Father and some of the folks were coming over here and would leave home about July 20th so I guess I will see them when they get in London I wish it was next summer and You were coming with them but next summer will be here before we know it but let it come that is just what I want George is figuring on coming home in two Years so I guess we will all come together; I am going to send You some artificial flowers by Elder Beesley - for a Wedding present I am going to enclose two invisable hair nets for Your self, the people wear them to keep the wind from blowing their hair [ltr. 5, p. 6] un combed - You can ask Beesley all about Me when he calls - He expects to be home between the 10 & 15 of July well Mamma it is almost time for the post man give My love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks I hope You are all well, I love You with all My heart kiss our doll baby for Papa and tell Ruth to love, kiss and hug Mamma for Papa - and tell her Papa got her sweet letter and for her to write Papa another - May the Lord bless You both and all is the wish and prayer of Your loving husband and Papa with lots of love hugs and kisses for You both I am as ever Yours Lovingly Alvin F Smith PS. this is a view of the country where I spent a week [ltr. 6, p. 1] #97 Farleigh Road Stoke Newington London My Own Dear Millie and Ruth It is now five oclock and in half hour I will have to leave for meeting - President Jones has gone to the depot to Meet Alice Reynolds and three other ladies from Utah who are here on a visit and last night we had come f[---] new Elders for this Conference one of them is a brother to Hyrum Beckstrand the fellow that keeps company with Maggie Bawman at least I understand he is keeping company with her - two of them are from Ogden and one from Sam Pete County So I may have a chance before long of going out into the field away from London Sid Savelle is sick of his job allready and wishes they would send him back in the field but I think he will remain where he is until he is through - he only has about Six Months left and [ltr. 6, p. 2] this will soon pass, besides I dont think the London Conference is doing so well this Year as they did last - however the end of the Year will show, but dont You say I told You this, - in fact the Boss we have is to easy going - he is a good fellow and all that but lets other people think and decide for him - and in My opinion he does some funny things - but Maby the fault is with Me - never the less he is very diferent to President Hoopes; - but these things I tell You are secrets - between You and Me I - some times almost get discouraged but I get over it, You just ask Elder Beesley - what a time we have he will tell You - but dont say I have told you anything [ltr. 6, p. 3] 3 well Mamma it is now time for Me to get ready for Church I expect a letter from You in the morning and I will finish this before time to post on Wednesday next June 18th 1906 - It is now fifteen minutes past Seven A.M. I am up a little earlier than usual this morning - met President Jones Miss Alice Reynolds Miss Nellie Scofield Miss Ora Halbrook, Miss Mariah Adams - Miss Angie Holbrook all from Provo except Miss Adams -just as I was leaving the house last night for meeting - they came along later and after our street meetings I come home they were all here but it was late and Miss Reynolds briefly told Me of the last time she saw You it being at Joes and Berthas wedding - she had seen My sweet baby and since then - with her grandmamma - when they were on their way to Berthas with Milk, She told Me how fine You looked the evening of the wedding and how well and fat You looked - well Mamma she almost made Me homesick - to see You but [ltr. 6, p. 4] I fear You are not looking so well now as You were then I am afraid You are working to hard - and I have been worrying more or less about You since You told Me how thin You are again I do hope My own Precious Mamma wont get sick - sell the cow and quit working so hard and take care of Your self - Miss Reynolds - told Me how mean she thought You wer to go and get married becaus You had been the only person - that ever made a dress for her that could do it decent and she blamed it partly on to Me - for Your going out of the business - She said she had coaxed and coaxed since to get You to sew for her but you would not - for which I am thankful - and I hope You will never have to go into the business again - she said she envied - Me and always had ever since I married You and I told her that she was not the only one but I did not call for that - She said how [ltr. 6, p. 5] 5 had always loved You - and I told so had I - every since the very first time I saw You - and she said well every body loves Millie - She also told Me what a sweet baby we had - and how she wished she could have seen You just prior to coming away. I wish she had them she could have told Me just how You looked - I try to emagin this and I can only see You as I left You and as I have You on the photo - Bro Bruce told Me last night that his son had called on You - here is the post man - just knocked - well I got the mail and one from old faithful I have read it hurridly - and see You also mention having had a call from Will Bruce. he told his father that You were buisy and almost worn out with house cleaning and other manual labor and how You need Me to help You -Mamma I wish I could help You there is nothing would give Me more pleasure - I do hope You wont make Your self sick - and when You mention what You have [ltr. 6, p. 6] to do and and only exumerate part of them and the ones You do mention are sufficient to keep several persons busy - it is eaisy to gues how You feel and - and You say You wont complain - You never would complain - and I am afraid You are one of those that will just keep on until You drop - or have to give up - Dearie You mention Your neighbor - I think I know what You mean - and from what You have told Me and from the appearance of the old hag I think You are right - and I believe that such as her are liable and able to use their powers for evil against others - be prayerful - have nothing what ever to do with her Trust in the Lord ask him to check her powers - and rebuke her - her power comes from Satan and the Lord is more powerful than the Devil - so trust in the Lord and he will keep You I wish You were not living wher You are You had better try and persuade the folks to sell out and get out of that neighbor hood - I wish our house was not leased and You could all move there - but Dearie [ltr. 6, p. 7] 7- -do away with some of Your work take care of Your self and baby and Your Papa and Mamma - all of You should be united in Your prayers to the Lord to protect You against the evils of that woman My prayers shall also go in that direct- -ion - You did not tell Me exactly what You had reference too - when You mentioned her but - it may be that I have guessed right and she may be responsible for some of the troubles - You are having - tell Me just what You think and dont let her get any power over You or Ruth or any of the family show her - and trust in the Lord - You mention selling the cow You will see I suggested this in the beginning of My letter - I hope You will have done so by the time You get this -just think of our doll baby - wanting to write to Papa when ever she finds a piece of paper and how she takes the letters to You and says Papa’s letters bless her own little precious soul and bless her Mamma - Dearie You are dearer to Me than all this world and I pray the Lord to watch over [ltr. 6, p. 8] for My sake - I am glad Bro Bruce has found work and if at any time You can do anything for him, do so, ask him if he has any mending to let You do it for him I guess he does miss his brothers and sisters - I am glad You like the shawls and beads - that is Robert Taylors address I will send him a letter in the near future - Say Mamma You should speak of Me being mashed in having a case on the widdow I have forgotten what You mean - who do You have reference to - I am not in love with but one girl and she is Your self - I have only given My love to one and she has it all - and My love for increases each day - I admit however I have a better stand in with old woman than young girls - June 20th 1906 - Well Mamma You will see this is Wednesday - Mail day again I have spent two days sight seeing with the visiting girls from Salt Lake and Provo mentioned in the fore part of this lettter, I have had a fine time, and think [ltr, 6, p. 9] 9 they have had also - we almost Killed Sister Scofield - the first day - I took them first to St Pauls - Bank of England down cheap side - visited several shops - including the low courts - Dickens old curiosity shop - then went down to Trofalgar square - then to the National Art Gallery - then West Minster Abbey - Westminster Bridge and Parliment Houses then took a Buss went over to Oxford Street did some shopping - came back to Covent Gardens lined up at 5 P.M. for La Boheme[-] and stood in line 3 houses before the doors opened - Mme Melba and Signor Caruso - took the leading parts and the singing was grand we got home at 12 P.M. - this was the first day and for girls not used to it it was a very hard jaunt - then Yesterday we went first down to Cooks office to arrange for tickets for them to the continent from there we took in some of the swell streets of London did some shopping again - went out to Hyde Park - visited Albert Hall and Memor- -ial - watched the swell people people by the Thousands in their carriages on Rotten Row - went to the dog cemetery [ltr. 6, p. 10] -Marble Arch - then took the tube Ry - back to the Bank of England then went over London Bridge and back home we did not start out until nearly noon - got home at 930 PM how I wish You had been with Me but I am living in hopes and when Uncle Sam get's up pretty good when I hope it will before I am ready to come home You can sell it and come, I dont want to go home with out You - and with out having You see old London, I could really enjoy My self sight seeing with My own sweet heart - Alice Reynolds says she is going to write and tell her Auntie what a fun time she is having she expects to leave for the continent tomorrow Morning with the rest of them to be gone Six weeks - Saw Mamma I hope You will be able to read My letters written on both sides of this paper - it seems as tho I cant tell You what I have to say in one letter unless I use thin paper and write both sides but if You have any trouble let Me know and I will crowd it on thicker [ltr. 6, p. 11] 11 paper I got another letter from You Tuesday morning and I was delighted with it as I always am with Your letters and You have received 124 letters from Me - goodness, I didnt think I had written so Many - quit keeping track more than that I have tried to wrote twice a week -Say Dearie I thought You Aunt Julia was dead but I had forgotten about it I will tell Robert Price what You say about his wife - he will be glad to know she is well - Say Mamma what did our doll baby do to her little [-]addies - fooling with the rose trees didn't she get her fingers full of thornes -I guess she enjoyed her self picking the flowers, bless her - she must have a good time when she gets into the garden - I can tell You I would like to see her, Say Mamma night before last I dreamed I came home I thought Ruth was on the porch and she knew Me I picked her up in My arms and hugged her good then I thought You came to the door and and next thing I had You both in My arms - and I thought we sat down on the lounge and talked and [ltr. 6, p. 12] and I was just pleased to death and I thought You were also and then I woke up and talk about being disapointed- never the less I thought I had had a good time - and I felt good becaus You were both so pleased to see Me - and it is nice to dream this way - well Mamma I have almost gone the limit and have not answered Your letter of Tuesday - but I will have it to answer Friday or Saturday morning some times I have two or three letters at one writing to answer and again I dont have any but I usually manage to find something to write about - I hope You dont get tired with these long letters - give My love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks, and Kiss our doll baby for Me and tell her to kiss Mamma for Papa - and just emagin that You are fulfilling My dream May the Lord bless You both - My own dear Mamma and Ruth - God bless My precious folks - is the wish and prayer of Your loving and effectionate Husband and Papa with lots of Love hugs and kisses for You both ever Yours Alvin [ltr. 7, p. 1] #97 Farleigh Road Stoke Newington London June 22nd1906 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth I have Your letter #85 - of June 7th which is unanswered and I will try and reply to it this afternoon I received a postal card from Willard this morning, he wants Me to come over to Conference, but I have decided not to go for several reasons, and I will write both Willard and George to that effect to day so they will not be disapointed, at Me not coming I would however like to have seen the boys, but the time for our home coming will soon be here and then I will have an opportunity to see them all, I wrote and told Bob Price that You had seen Mrs Price, I am glad You call now and again to see Papa, he always tells Me when ever he sees You, and I guess You will not be sorry when You are through with the Doctor, and I do hope before long, Your Papa will be better Sister Grant, and children and Willard Andelen and Miss Arvella [ltr. 7, p. 2] Clark got back in London to day - the other girls - that is, Alice Reynolds - Holbrook's - Miss Schofield and Adams left for Paris yesterday Say Dearie talk about a bad case of love sickness Andelin and Miss Clark, have it, really it is disgusting, they are coming home this fall to be married she had been engaged three times before I think - so she is an old hand at the business - the poor fellow cant bear any body to look at his sweetheart - well he has the worst case I ever saw and I think he better hurry before she changes her mind, becaus she may change it and actions especially when they are done publicly -but she does'nt - I understand however that the fellows were the caus of and the ones who broke the engagements before - and I guess this will not be a go because the boy this time witll not change his mind - the fact of the matter is he has almost lost it over the girl She is three or four Years older than him but that wont make any diference I am glad to hear that the children are over the whooping cough - so Mamma thought I was awful thin when she saw the picture well Dearie I am thin but I am well and will manage so long as My health remains good You ask why I squint so much - the sun was shining in our faces and we had no hats on - besides I have to squint when the sun is bright - but they dont have much sun as a rule - but lately we have had lots - besides I fear My eyes need testing - I fear I should have glasses. It is a part of habit with Me to frown and My forehead as always a bunch of wrinkles - but I am trying to get over it - I am going and have another photo as soon as I feel in the humor and then You will see what I look like - I would like [ltr. 7, p. 3] 3
another of You, wish You would go and have one taken expressly for Me - I just wish I could see You a few minutes but even that would not satisfy Me - what good would a few minutes be - of course if I got the chance to see You a few minutes - I would make it longer, Elder Beesley left London Yesterday - and sails from Liverpool to day - I went to the depot with him and I almost, bawled to see him leave us he is a fine boy, the best Elder in this conference we have lots of fine ones but he was My choice, You can tell him I said so when You see him, they keep coming and going - and we are all glad when our time comes, his Mother and sister are anxiously looking forward to his home coming, and so also is his sweet heart, and he will be just as pleased to see them as they are to see him - it will be a happy meeting for them all, So Lister Bromwell is married good for him he will soon have been home a Year - I guess it is a Year, So Papa said he did not admire - Bro McDonalds taste - he may have reversed it had he been better acqua- inted with Your cousin, he prefers seeing a small Man marry a large woman or vice-versa - he told Me what a fine couple Bertha and Joe were - simply [ltr. 7, p. 4] becaus one was tall and the other Short - I dont think Your cousin is very small if she is as tall as You - You are not so little and of course all our tasts dont run in the same channels- when I found the Idle of My eye - she was perfect in every respect - and there is nothing about You that I would have changed You are the sweetest kid in this world and I have told You this time and time again So You know how I feel about You and I guess Mc feels the same about Your cousin if he don't he aught to. - how I used to like to sit and watch You and admire You and then when there was three of us there I used to sit and admire You both - I am in love with both My Mamma and baby in fact I worship You - both and how I would like to get hold of You, then I would convince You of My ability at making love - I will have a chance to begin all over again so You must prepare for what You have in store for You - when we meet, Say Sisters baby - how bad they must have felt - why were they not watching it more closely, So You have bought You a new hat - I am glad I hope it is a nice one - You are not extrav -agant - about one new hat in three years and that was only a cheap one - I have sent You some flowers home by Elder Beesley and one of these days I will get You some More - wish You would tell Me what kind You would like and how many - I will [ltr. 7, p. 5] 5 then get them for You and You can make You several hats - You can make them just as pretty as any body - So write and tell Me just what You would like, I sent You some catalogues so You can see the styles - and fashion of London -Say Dearie I have just shown Miss Clark Ruths pictures and she almost went up over them, she asked Me how I could stay away from them, I wish You were over here but then You will be this time next Year if I have My way and then You and I will go shopping and get something more for You - the hats this year are all flowers and feathers - and the people wear them as You see in the pictures in the catalogues, Panama hats are cheaper in this country I am going to buy Me a cheap one at 250 the same hat would cost about 500 home - of course You can get expensive ones - but that is good enough for Me and I will be cooler than a stiff one hats like that straw one of mine that imitation panama - cost 75¢ over in this country - I hope You will [ltr. 7, p. 6] be able to get rid of the cow I dont want You bothering with her, is the old cow of Your Mammas still giving milk I have not heard You say she had had a calf - I think it would be a good job if You would sell them both - she, that is our cow has changed when she dont make any fuss over her calf - Say Mamma You had better sell the cow to Aunt Julina - she offered Me fifty dollars for her when she had a calf before - I think that is what she said she would give Maby she would like to buy her, but I dont care who You sell to just so You get rid of her Well Mamma I have almost filled eight pages again and I have told You all I can at present think of - give My love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks -I love You more and more all the time kiss our doll baby for Me and tell Ruth to kiss Mamma for Papa bless her little doll self and bless her Mamma and May the Lord bless You both and all is the wish and prayer of Your loving and effectionate husband and Papa with lots of loves hugs and kisses for You both - from Your own loving Alvin XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [ltr. 8, p. 1] #97 Farleigh Road Stoke Newington London June 26th1906 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth I was a little disapointed this morning when the post man came and there was no letter for Me it is just one week to day since I received the last letter from You, and when My letter don’t come I get a bit home sick - but it has been a long time now since I failed to get a letter each week and some times, and quite often two a week My letter may have been delayed some how so I will try and patience until one comes - we have been having a few days of cool weather again I took My Union suite off last Saturday morning and put them on again in the evening -it was very hot when I got up so when I took My cold water bath I left them off - I went out to South London in the afternoon to visit one of our old Sisters and I spent the evening with her and when I came home it was very Chilly - and looked like storm so before going to bed I put on my under clothes - at 2 AM we had one of the worst Thunder and Lightening storms I have ever seen and how it [ltr. 8, p. 2] did rain since then I have not been to warm, but we cant tell how long it will be this way - Maby I will be ready to change again in a day or two - last night President Jones left for Sweden and I am left in charge - so I will be “it.” for a couple of weeks - and - it will be a treat to all of us - I went and spent the evening at Sister Groushows there is a large family of them and they like to have Me come - and I enjoy going and I hope to see some More of them join the Church before long and some of them are going to try and come to Utah Next Year - I usually go once a week and take tea with them and when I dont go they are disapointed there are usually two of us go but last night no body would go with Me so I went alone - Prest Jo. dont do much visiting by some - they think he is too important I am just a common ordinary fellow and try to get along with every body- and usually I make a good impression on the old lady’s, I had a card from Wilford before sailing from Liverpool also one from Bob Price - Bobby is liable to remain at Liverpool the balance of his Mission he mentions his wife being in Salt Lake - and he asked Me how I would [ltr. 8, p. 3] 3 like to be Wilford - of course I would not want to be Wilford - but will be glad when My turn comes - to return home and it will soon be here - but I hope My sweet hearts can be with Me when I go home, I guess You are having hot weather at home - and I presume You are living on fruit - so are we Strawberries - the finest You ever saw are selling here at 6¢ per lb - they are just fine and we are having all we can eat but we dont get any Cream with them, we have stopped eating meat - and are using fruit and vegetables - Say Mamma I have just this minute received Your letter and also one from Sister Cusworth so I am over My homesickness - now how glad I was to get it Sister Cusworth seems to be happy and is delighted with Salt Lake, they have joined the Tabernacle Choir and every thing seems to suit them and I am glad they are happy Now to answer our letter - 86 of June 14th 06 - Yes Mamma I am feeling better than I did some time ago - I have been a diferent person since My vacation - and holliday in Bedford but I dont get any fatter - I am doomed [ltr. 8, p. 4] to be - a think one all My days - No I have not been - what You would Call sick - but I just did’nt feel good So You have got the photos - I am glad You like them - they look just like Me - it is funny - Mamma didn’t tell who gave them to her - I understood the the Tonts had held a concert in the opera house at Ogden I hope You will have a chance to hear them when they go to Salt lake I am glad the children are over the whooping cough and also that they had a ligt case - I am also pleased to hear that Your Papa is Improving - he must continue to be careful and take care of him self. it is to bad about Dr Richards boy which one was it - I presume You Mean Steven L’s son - Say Mamma I do like to hear You tell the cute things our precious baby can do, but I guess some of her doings are not so funny to You especially when she breaks some of the dishes - I would just give this big world to see her and her Mamma -and listen to our little chatter box - just think of her wanting to Milk the cow You must watch her as she is apt to try it some of these days when she is alone I am glad she can live out doors - that is a good thing for her - but I am sorry [ltr. 8, p. 5] 5 she doesn’t eat more - I am glad she likes milk - and I hope it will continue to agree with her - cant You find something she likes that is good for her - I guess You can’t or You would have done but I hope she will improve in her appitite - and I am glad she asks You for something to eat when she is hungry I am glad she is looking better - and I hope she wont be long until she begins to fatten up - You say You went out to the Lake with Joe & Bertha and took a ride on the same railway and took a boat ride on the same railway and took a coat ride on the old Mill stream what have they been doing at the Lake - they must have been Making some changes - Say on the quite- could'nt Joe use My ticket to the Lake on the Lake when You go with him I dont suppose they would bother him and if no body knew it Maby he could go through - he would have to be careful - and not let anybody know otherwise they might take up the ticket, but I think if only You and him knew about it - You could work it - those beads were not very expensive - they come in Neck Strands - and I threaded twelve neck strans [ltr. 8, p. 6] to Make Yours, I believe I could get some More like those - twelve strands will cost about a dollar - and the elastic costs about ten cents - Sister Reynolds spoke of getting some so if Eva wants some I will get them but she will have to thread them when she gets them home - we got them at a Jewelry shop that was selling out - but I think I can get some More if she wants them - Yes Mamma I sent You some artificial flowers and in My last letter I told You to let Me know what else You would need to fix You up a New hat - I am going visiting again this evening - we are going to Call on the Hobbs family again - and see how they are - Well Mamma I am well and happy - Kiss our precious doll baby for Me and tell Ruth to hug and kiss her Mamma for Papa - give My love to Your Papa and Mamma and all the folks - and tell Sister Cusworth when You see her that I got her letter - May the Lord bless You both and all is the wish and prayer of Your Loving and effectionate Husband and Papa- Alvin PS Lots and Lots of love hugs and Kisses for You both form Yours Lovingly Alvin [ltr. 9, p. 1] Tell Me if You have to pay extra postage on this letter Tell Me if You have to pay extra postage on this letter #97 Farleigh Road Stoke Newington N London England June 29th06 My Own Dear Millie and Ruth I am all alone - Elders Cummings and Wilson have gone to Enfield to hold cottage meeting - and Elder Saville has gone to the baths to take his weekly wash - so I thought while it was quiet I would write to You I have no letter to answer, but I thought maby I would have received one to day becaus there was two boats landed in Liverpool yesterday, but I guess they had nothing on for Me, Well Mamma tomorrow is our Wedding day - the 30th of June - three years ago how well I remember it - but it seems so much longer than three years - in fact it seems More like six when I look back and reflect on the past - and it has been nearly 14 Months since I landed here in London and I figure on about ten More and then I expect to be making preparation to return to Zion and I expect to spend our next wedding anniversary with You, and I wish You many, many happy returns of the day upon which this event took place, and before long it will be our [ltr. 9, p. 2] doll babys birth day and she will be two years old bless her - how I would like to be home to celebrate her birth - day with You both but this like our wedding day I hope to enjoy in company with You one year from now. Ruth will soon be big enough to have a party - I think I told You about receiving a letter from Sister Cusworth - she told Me how Ruth went out and brought in some little chickens to show them when they were there - She must be a buisy little body to be sure - Sister Cusworth told Me how much she liked Salt Lake and how pleased the girls are - Beth wrote a little note on the bottom of the letter to tell Me how happy they were and more especially I think so she could Say Hello - through Me to Elder Cummings You know they think - just a little of one another. I believe and we often Jolly Frank C. about her - Wilford, Frank, and My self have had some fine times at Sister Cusworths, - Have You heard from Will Bruce lately - remember Me to him when he calls, tell him I would be pleased to have him write to Me when he has time - it is almost time - some of the folks were writing to Me again it has been nearly a Month again since I heard from any of them - Say Mamma I saw some of those beads Yesterday when I was down town - they were asking five pence - or 10¢ per row - that would be $120 for as many as You had - and they had several benches of them so if Eva wants some I will be pleased to get them for her - Miss Angie Holbrook -before leaving for Paris left with Me $1000 and [ltr. 9, p. 3] 3 asked Me to spend it for her - She wanted Me to buy her some gloves - in case they were liable to advance in price I have not done it Yet - and I think I will wait until she comes back and then let her get them her self becaus I might not suit her, although She seemed to think I could get what she would like - she bought a pair of long sleeved white ones and while we were sight seeing she lost thim - after that she entrusted things to Me - You should have seen Me escorting five of them about town one Man with the five of them, it is a good job the people over here didnt know we were Mormons or I may have gotten a write up similar to the enclosed clipping - this didnt happen to be us - we made the girls think for a few minutes it meant them - but this is a common thing - such write up - especially if a fellow is seen with more than one lady - never the less I kept the girls buisy - sight seeing and I think they enjoyed them selves, we will have with us tomorrow - Grace and Desie Grant they are coming back from Germany and expect to spend a week [ltr. 9, p. 4] or two in London and Sister Grant is also coming down for Liverpool to spend a few days - She was here one week ago to day - also Miss Clark and Andilen - I think I told You about it Sister Grant left the two little girls with Me while she went shopping - and I put them to bed and looked after them and I seemed right at home - they are sweet kids -"and some how I like sweet kids" next day I took them to the depot and shipped them to Liverpool - they were then just returning from Germany - the little girls told Me all about Miss Clark and Andelin - and how - they intended to go home some time ago to be Married. but her people wrote and told her to remain where she was and that she had better consider well before she married him they dont seem to want het to have him so look out when she gets home where there are lots of - boys who will show her a good time and spend their money on her she is liable to forget poor Andelin - of course this is only my opinion - and is confidential to You - they get spliced before they have a chance to change their minds ---"June 30th06 Well Mamma You will see I did not finish this letter Yesterday - I have not been writing long when company came and had to stop = it was 9 oclock when I crawled out this morning - let see I didnt get up much earlier than this three Years ago to day if I remember correctly - what do You remember about it? but I had a better reason for stopping in bed then [ltr. 9, p. 5] 5 Well Mamma the 4th of July will soon be here and I guess we will go pic - nicing probably out to Bushy Park where we were one Year ago - we wont have old noisy Groesbeck to try and boss us all then and we wont have any love sick people among us to sicken us all. - Say Dearie I was invited to a wedding to day but could not go becaus of a meeting we have here to night which I have to attend -one of the Saints by the name of Day is to be married - I wish I could have gone it would have been a way of celebrating our wedding day - We had another heavy rain storm Yesterday it started in the night about 1230 and poured down until about ten oclock - AM - and it flooded every thing - and especially the underground Railways - I see also that had like trouble in Germany - I will send You our paper so You can read what it was like - well Mamma how is everything at home how is Your Papa and Mamma - and our doll baby and Your self - are You all through house cleaning and have You got rested Yet and have You sold the cow I wish You didn't have so much to do - and I wish You would not work so hard [ltr. 9, p. 6] -and I wish I was where I could help You You with some of the things You have to do - what kind of a summer are You having? -ours is a funny one it is very mixed - two or three days, hot as ─ then the same noumber of cold ones - Yesterday I wore My overcoat and today the sun is shining and looks as though it would be a scorcher - I am having lots of trouble over the Everard estate I wish I had never had any thing to do with it but I guess I will have to see it through now - it is going to cost more than all the Property over here is worth - I got a letter from Brother McMurrin last week and he seems to think they will have lots of trouble over there also - but I am going to keep it a moving at this end and and get out of it as soon as I can, but it is a slow job to be sure - Well Mamma I am doing the best I can - and it breaks into missionary work - in fact I cant tell what minute I have to go to the attorneys I have been averaging four and five times a week - but I hope to finish with it shortly - Tell Ruth to kiss Mamma for Papa and You can hug our doll baby for Me I do love You both with all My soul and I send lots and lots of love hugs and kisses to both of You - give My love to Your Papa Mamma and all the folks and May the Lord bless My precious Mamma and baby and all the folks is the prayer of Your Loving and effectionate Husband and Papa Alvin F. Smith XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX